Join us


    Applicants should be aware that due to the highly competitive standard and popularity of BROOKES|Rowing,the following standards on a 2000m ergo are a compulsory minimum for those with more than two year's experience.
    Please do not complete the form if you do not meet the following:
    -Men under 19 - 6:30 or faster
    -Men under 23 - 6:20 or faster
    -Men over 23 - 6:15 or faster
    -Women under 19 - 7:35 or faster
    -Women under 23 - 7:25 or faster
    -Women over 23 - 7:15 or faster

    Full Name *

    Your Personal Email *

    Mobile Number *

    Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) *

    Nationality *

    School/Rowing Club

    What squad do you anticipate on joining *

    Men's SquadWomen's Squad


    Course Applying For

    If applying for a Post Graduate course, what was your previous degree/major?

    Entry Date Applying for University *

    September 2024September 2025September 2026

    Is Brookes your 1st choice? *

    1st choice2nd choice3rd choice

    What other academic/rowing institutions are you interested in joining? *


    How Long Have You Been Rowing For?

    Top 3 Notable Rowing Achievements

    Which Side Do You Row? *


    Sculling Ability *


    Height (cm) *

    Weight (kg) *

    2km P.B. *

    30min P.B.

    Other Erg Scores

    Additional Messages